RA Services Quality Programs
With healthcare costs ever on the rise, government-based and many private health insurers expect providers to demonstrate value by meeting or exceeding pre-determined quality standards. Under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 medical groups can be either rewarded or penalized based on their performance in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). While program participation is voluntary, doing nothing or underperforming will result in incremental reductions in your Medicare reimbursement (up to 9% by 2022).
RA Services can help you select quality measures, clinical practice improvement activities, advancing care information (formerly meaningful use) measures, and reporting vehicles that best fit your group’s profile and interests. Every group is unique, and with a wide array of reporting options it is advantageous to capitalize on your strengths, past performance, and technological capabilities to maximize your chance of success.
Our reporting and monitoring program has helped our clients achieve their quality objectives and plan their strategies for upcoming reporting years. In today’s rapidly evolving reimbursement landscape, your practice can no longer afford to take a “wait and see” approach.